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Application FAQs

These FAQs apply to applications made under ARB’s unilateral EU recognition route until such a time as it is replaced by a new recognition agreement or ARB changes its approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I hold a Masters degree from Italy and I am registered in Italy; can I apply to join the Register?
A: Yes, as long as the qualification you hold is listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1 of the MRPQD as it stood at 11pm on 31 December 2020, it is open to you to apply for registration.

Q: I hold a qualification listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1 of the MRPQD from the Netherlands, but I have not completed the practical training requirement and assessment in order to join the Register in the Netherlands, can I join the UK Register?
A: No. Before being eligible to join the Register you will have to complete the access requirement in the Netherlands; or alternatively you can complete a UK Part 3 qualification and then apply to join the Register.

Q:I hold a qualification listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1 to the MRPQD from Spain and have access to the profession in Spain. However, I am not an EU national. Do I qualify for automatic recognition in the UK?
A: Yes, there is no nationality requirement necessary under this route.

Q: I hold a listed qualification from Romania listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1 to the MRPQD but the Romanian competent authority has confirmed that I have restricted access, that is without right of signature to the profession in Romania. Can I join the Register?
A: ARB legislation does not provide for partial access. Those applying to join the Register under the provisions of the MRPQD must have secured full access to the profession in their home state. You will therefore need to secure full right of signature in Romania; or alternatively obtain a UK Part 3 qualification before being eligible to join the Register in the UK.

Q: I have a qualification listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1 to the MRPQD from Italy and have joined the Chamber of Architects in Greece, can I register?
A: No. You will either need to complete the State Examination in Italy or secure a UK Part 3 qualification to be eligible to join the Register.

Q: I do not have a copy of my Esame di Stato certificate but it is certified on my competent authority certificate, will this be OK?
A: No. You must provide evidence of all the qualifications that are required for you to access the profession in your home state so this includes any access qualification, in Italy this is your Esame di Stato.

An example of another access certificate is the Habilitation de l’architecte diplômé d’Etat à l’exercice de la maîtrise d’oeuvre en son nom propre (HMONP), this certificate is required to accompany some qualifications listed by France.

Q: If I join the Register with EU qualifications covered by ARB’s unilateral recognition arrangements will I be Part 2 or Part 3 equivalent?
A: The ARB has decided to unilaterally recognise qualifications listed in the frozen version of Annex V.7.1. This provides for harmonised recognition up to Part 2 only through the listing of qualifications meeting minimum standards. There is no harmonisation of qualifications over and above these minimum standards. Each EU member state has different professional legislation. Therefore a Greek Chamber certificate cannot be deemed equivalent to a UK Part 3 qualification. If you want to refer to yourself as being Part 3 qualified you will need to undertake a recognised Part 3 qualification at a UK school of architecture.

Q: I have obtained my first degree Poland and then obtained my second degree in Italy. Will I be eligible to join the Register?
A: As both qualifications have been obtained in the EU, we will accept your qualifications as meeting the minimum requirements as long as you are able to obtain a competent authority statement from the Italian Ministry confirming this. You will then need to either satisfy the access requirement in Italy or obtain a UK Part 3 qualification before being eligible to join the Register.

Q: I am a qualified Spanish architect but I have obtained my qualifications in Brazil which have been recognised in Spain. Will my qualification be recognised in the UK?
A: No. You will be required to sit the ARB Prescribed Examination at Part 1 and Part 2 and then will need to complete a Part 3 qualification at a UK school of architecture before being eligible to join the Register.


If these FAQs do not answer your particular circumstance, or if you have any further queries, please call to speak with a member of the Registration Team on +44 (0)20 7580 5861

Glossary of Terms used

Competent authority – a person or organisation with the legal authority to deal with a particular matter.
Listed qualification – a qualification approved through the European Commission’s notification process and listed under Annex V.7.1 of the MRPQD