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  • Stefanie Fischer

Stefanie Fischer

Stefanie Fischer

Independent Examiners

Stefanie Fischer is a practising Architect. Until 2015 she was a Principal of Burrell Foley Fischer LLP, Architects and Urban Designers, and continued to work as a Consultant to the practice until December 2020. She currently works as a Consultant to Philip Meadowcroft Architects and is a Director of InventaCinema Ltd.

Stefanie Fischer has contributed widely to architectural education.  Positions held include:

  • Professional Examiner for the Part 3 examination at University of Plymouth, University of Brighton, Architectural Association – Past.
  • Professional Examiner for the Part 3 examination at UCL and the University of Cambridge – Current.
  • External Examiner for the Part 1 examination at University of Nottingham – Past.
  • External Examiner for the Part 2 examination at University of Bath – Past.
  • Tutor at the University of Westminster for the Professional Development and Experience Module and Case Study Module – Current.

Advisory positions held include:

  • Enabler for Commission for Built Environment (CABE) – Past.
  • Member of Capital Architecture Advisory Committee, Arts Council England – Past.
  • Member of the Church Buildings Council – Past.

Annual Register of Interests 2023

Membership of Formal Groups:

  • RIBA Member, RSA Fellow.

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:

  • Former Principal of and Consultant to Burrell Foley Fischer LLP, Architects and Urban Designers
  • Cinema consultant to Philip Meadowcroft Architects.
  • Case study tutor at University of Westminster.
  • Professional Examiner (Part 3) at University of Cambridge and UCL.
  • Working under a draft Memorandum of Understanding between InventaCinema Ltd and Agile Properties and Homes on a low carbon, modular neighbourhood cinema
  • Marker for Unit 2 and Unit 3 on the Part 3 course at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, as well as being on their panel of Professional Examiners

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

  • Director of InventaCinema Ltd

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

  • Former principal of Burrell Foley Fischer LLP

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:

  • See above


  • N/A

Stefanie Fischer

Independent Examiners

Stefanie Fischer is a practising Architect. Until 2015 she was a Principal of Burrell Foley Fischer LLP, Architects and Urban Designers, and continued to work as a Consultant to the practice until December 2020. She currently works as a Consultant to Philip Meadowcroft Architects and is a Director of InventaCinema Ltd.

Stefanie Fischer has contributed widely to architectural education.  Positions held include:

  • Professional Examiner for the Part 3 examination at University of Plymouth, University of Brighton, Architectural Association – Past.
  • Professional Examiner for the Part 3 examination at UCL and the University of Cambridge – Current.
  • External Examiner for the Part 1 examination at University of Nottingham – Past.
  • External Examiner for the Part 2 examination at University of Bath – Past.
  • Tutor at the University of Westminster for the Professional Development and Experience Module and Case Study Module – Current.

Advisory positions held include:

  • Enabler for Commission for Built Environment (CABE) – Past.
  • Member of Capital Architecture Advisory Committee, Arts Council England – Past.
  • Member of the Church Buildings Council – Past.

Annual Register of Interests 2023

Membership of Formal Groups:

  • RIBA Member, RSA Fellow.

Business, Professional or Social Relationships:

  • Former Principal of and Consultant to Burrell Foley Fischer LLP, Architects and Urban Designers
  • Cinema consultant to Philip Meadowcroft Architects.
  • Case study tutor at University of Westminster.
  • Professional Examiner (Part 3) at University of Cambridge and UCL.
  • Working under a draft Memorandum of Understanding between InventaCinema Ltd and Agile Properties and Homes on a low carbon, modular neighbourhood cinema
  • Marker for Unit 2 and Unit 3 on the Part 3 course at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, as well as being on their panel of Professional Examiners

Companies or Associations which you or members of your family are officers or employees or in which you or they have beneficial interests:

  • Director of InventaCinema Ltd

Involvement in Partnerships, Joint Ventures or Consortia:

  • Former principal of Burrell Foley Fischer LLP

Professional Relationships with individuals, organisations or businesses that might have relationships with ARB:

  • See above


  • N/A