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Prescription process

Here you can find information on ARB’s requirements for the prescription (recognition) of architecture qualifications in the UK. The content has been designed primarily to support education providers through the process of applying for, and maintaining, prescription of their qualifications.

Only those on the Architects Register can use the title ‘architect’ in business or practice in the UK. Applicants to the Register must demonstrate they meet the required standards to join. One of our statutory duties is to prescribe the UK qualifications needed to become an architect in the UK.

There are different methods for joining the Register, though a typical applicant using UK qualifications will have completed three ARB prescribed qualifications – a Part 1 (BA or equivalent), a Part 2 (MArch or equivalent) and a Part 3 (professional award/examination). This suite of qualifications, together with the attainment of ARB’s Practical Training Requirements, reflects the standards for acceptance on to the Register via a UK-based route.

An introduction to prescription

Please contact the Accreditation Team (details below) if you are considering applying for prescription (new or renewal) to discuss the application process.

The Procedures explain the steps you’ll need to take to achieve, renew, amend and maintain prescription of your qualification (you can find a flow chart of the process in Appendix 1).  

The Criteria set out the expectations for your course content and what you will ultimately need to deliver as part of your programme.

Please also refer to the guidance for institutions on subject material relating to fire and life safety design, and environmental sustainability. From September 2021 onwards, as part of annual monitoring and prescription applications you must provide information on how this guidance is being implemented.

In 2021, ARB commenced a major review into initial education and training. Please refer to the modernising architectural education and training page regularly for information, updates and details of consultations.

Applying for prescription

If you wish to apply for prescription, please also see the relevant guidance on new qualification prescription applications or prescription renewal applications.

Preparing for annual monitoring

All prescribed qualifications are subject to annual monitoring – Appendix 2 of the Procedures (see above) sets out the requirements for annual monitoring. Each submission must also include a completed Annual Monitoring Form, an updated Staff List and Student Data Template. Please see the guidance on annual monitoring; and if you have any queries, please get in touch (Qualifications@arb.org.uk, 020 7580 5861).

You are also required to provide an update on the implementation of the Board’s guidance on fire and life safety design, and environmental sustainability.

From September 2022 onwards, all prescription applications and annual monitoring submissions must include the appropriate Part 1 mapping / Part 2 mapping / Part 3 form (below) completed for each qualification. This is in addition to the application/annual monitoring documentation mentioned above.

Pass Lists

Once a qualification has been prescribed, it is a Standard Condition of prescription that following each and every set of examinations, the institution is required to submit to the Board its pass lists of graduating cohorts who have received the prescribed award.

Pass lists must be submitted electronically as CVS files via the Pass List Portal – uploaded by the institution’s pass lists administrator, and checked and approved by the Head of School.

Please see the User Guide for Schools for instructions and a link to the Pass List Portal. Queries regarding pass lists and the Portal should be sent to info@arb.org.uk.

Further information

If you would like further information or have further queries about any of the above please contact the Accreditation Team and we will be happy to help.